J.A. Feurtado Inc. (USA)


information prepared: VIKTORIYA LEBEDEVA


  1. Foodstuff, Clothing, Appliances & Furnit Ure X 53
  2. Foodstuff, Clothing, Appliances & Furnit Ure Aes Itn; X 53
  3. Plastics, Nursing Nipples/Cots 1 X 20' Standard Dry Slac: Personal & Ho Usehold Effects 28
  4. 1
  5. 2
  6. 1


  1. Plastic caps USA
  2. Plastic containers USA
  3. Plastics USA
  4. Plastic bottles USA
  5. Foodstuffs USA
  6. buttons plastic or plastic USA
  7. plastics and plastics USA
  8. plastic, plastic pipes USA
  9. plastic bottles, plastic USA
  10. bags for foodstuffs paper USA

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