Kr Metals (India)


information prepared: KIRILL SEMIN


  1. 1 X 20' Low Carbon Ferro Chrome Sb No. Ef Dt. 18. 08. 8 Packing: Total 20 Big Bags : 90 Net Wt: 00. Kgs Liner Out
  2. (Total Twenty One Bags Only) 1 X 20' Stc 21 Bags Cr 68. 28%, C 0.%, Low Carbon Ferro Chrome P 0.% Si 0. 49% S 0. 02% Invoice No Krm/Ex/Lcfecr/08 09/ Gr. No Bc Dt. 04/06/ 8 Dt 04/06/ 8 Net Weight 2
  3. 21 Jumbo Bags (Total Twenty One Jumbo Bags Only) 1 X20' Said To Low Carbon Ferro Chrome Cr 68. 18%, Si 0. 66% C 0.% P 0.% S 0.% 20/05/ 8 Gr. No. Bc Dt. 20/05/ 8 Invoice No Kr/Ex/Fecr/08 09/ Dt

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